Thursday, February 4, 2010

Leo Idol Season 3!

LeoIdol 2010 v11a


In a move to keep the LEO Idol franchise a more challenging and exciting one, we are twisting and bending all rules to keep the program fresh and exciting!

1) LEO Idol Season 3 is an - All Talent Show!

Any talents will be accepted, not just singing as we believe that one doesn’t have to be a singer to be an Idol! Categories include the following:

i) Singing (solo, duet or groups of 4)

ii) Dancing (solo, duet or groups of 4)

iii) Stand Up Comedian (solo)

iv) Music instrumentalist (solo, duet, triplet or quartet) on any musical instrument

v) Beat Boxing (solo)

v) Other categories (Magic Show, Mime, etc)

2) The selection process

This will not be like before where participants have to attend an audition round and the selected few to take part in the regional finals. In all preliminary rounds, the “Open Mic” system will be adopted. This is where all participants solo or group, will display their talents. They will be allowed to perform for 60 seconds and if the judges do not ring the bell, they will be allowed to complete their performance of not more than 5 minutes long.

Marks will be tabulated on the spot and the average mark for the participant will be displayed on screen. The best of 5 will go to Round 2 where they will be performing for the second time. Each of the 5 finalist will be allowed to complete their performance.

One will represent the respective regional prelimary round to the Inter-District LEO Idol finals in Kuala Lumpur in April.



Current District Chairperson for Leo Clubs District 308B2 Malaysia

RCC for Leos (Perak) 2007-2009

Charter President for Lions Club of Ipoh Metro N.C. 2006

President of Leo Club of Ipoh (O) 2003/2004

Founder of Ipoh Omega Leo Symphonic Band 2004

Chief Director & Advisor for LEO Idol Seasons 1 & 2

Music & Entertainment Career

- Gold Award for Perak Composer Competition 1999 (Perpanca)

- Art Director of 24 Hour Musical Variety Show, Entry into Malaysia Book of Records 2003

- Written and arranged “Today & Tomorrow” for SGA USA, performed Live! At Dallas, Texas USA 2001

- Founder and concept owner of TV3’s DiGi CelebriTeen 2006 & 2007

- Professional Trainer & groomer for DiGi Music Telegram

- Art & Stage Director for Ministry of Education’s Drama Competition (Read.Action.Play) 2006,2008, 2009

- Founder of Giant-Ants Talent Hub

- Founder of Event Plus (M) Sdn Bhd


Past President of Lions Club of Ipoh Metro N.C.

Charter Membership Director for Lions Club of Ipoh Metro N.C. 2006

Advisor & Trainer for LEO Idol Seasons 1 & 2

Music & Entertainment Career

- Represented Malaysia (twice) to International Technics Music Festival in Los Angeles USA

- Music and vocal trainer TV3’s DiGi CelebriTeen 2006 & 2007

- Judge for Ministry of Education’s Drama Competition (Read.Action.Play) 2006,2008, 2009


Honorary member & Celebrity Lion of Lions Club of Ipoh Metro N.C. 2006

Founder of Malaysian Celebrities Go Green (MCG2)

Judge for LEO Idol Seasons 2

Entertainment Career

- TV Host for Celebrity Chat on 8TV & Step Forward on 8TV (Current)

- TV Hosts for numerous other TV Programmes that included DiGi CelebriTeen

Season 2 (TV3), We are Malaysia (8TV), Play to Win (8TV), Teman (8TV) etc

- Main Cast on Kopitiam Seasons 4-8 TV3

- Main Cast on Mr. Siao’s Mandarin Class on NTV7

- Main actor on Healthy Paranoia (15 Malaysia)

- Main Cast on Meter (15 Malaysia)

- TV ads that include KFC, Celcom, Coca Cola, BCB Bank, Blue Hyppo TM etc


- Celebrity friend of Celebrity Fitness, Timberland, A Cut Above, Kiehl’s and many more!

Ms. Norazmah Mohd Yunos

Representative from Ministry of Education, Malaysia

Current position in the MoE is the main co-ordinator of all Clubs, Associations and Co-curricular activities in schools

Main passion is arts and drama as she has been Chief and Co-judges for many arts, drama and musical competition at school and college levels before


1) Reporting and final decision

All arrangements must be made with approval from the Leo Idol Advisory Panel.

2) Paperwork

All paperwork must be CC-ed to Lion Alan Thoo and all branding must be observed and complied.

3) The selection process

This will not be like before where participants have to attend an audition round and the selected few to take part in the regional finals. In all preliminary rounds, the “Open Mic” system will be adopted. This is where all participants solo or group, will display their talents. They will be allowed to perform for 60 seconds and if the judges do not ring the bell, they will be allowed to complete their performance of not more than 5 minutes long.

Marks will be tabulated on the spot and the average mark for the participant will be displayed on screen. The best of 5 will go to Round 2 where they will be performing for the second time. Each of the 5 finalist will be allowed to complete their performance.

One will represent the respective regional prelimary round to the Inter-District LEO Idol finals in Kuala Lumpur in April.

Expenses for travel incl insurance for the finalists will be absorbed by the Lions Club of Ipoh Metro N.C.

4) Judges

There must be ONE local Lions member to be in one of the panel of judges for the respective Regional Preliminaries. The rest comes from the Advisory Panel or a replacement who is appointed by the panel.

5) Expenses

Most venues in District 308B1 & B2 have been confirmed and paid for by sponsors unless stated. The respective Organizing Committee has to source for prizes that include Champion, 1st & 2nd Runners-Up and consolation prizes (if any). Prizes can come in the form of a combination of cash & prizes.

6) Charges for Participants

Not more than RM5.00 per solo participant and RM10.00 per group of a maximum of 4

7) Participants

Participants can take part as a soloist and again as a part of a group of 2-4. However, if both the acts end up as the Top 5 for Round 2, the particular participant who is in both acts has to give up on one.


District 308B2

i) Penang Preliminary - April 2010 - TBC

ii) Perak Preliminary 13 March 2010 Greentown Mall, Ipoh

iii) Selangor Preliminary 27 March 2010 Subang Parade, PJ

District 308B1

i)Johor Preliminary

ii)Melaka Preliminary

MD District 301 (Philippines)

* Dates & venue to be confirmed later

Who is interested in joining Leo Idol, please see Leo Teh Pei Cing at P5C (Block 98 4th floor).

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